1.12. — 23.12.2023

Noora Nio-Juss:

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

  • Noora Nio-Juss: Dreamer. Photo: Anna Autio.

“Yes: I am a dreamer.
For a dreamer is one
who can only find
his way by moonlight,
and his punishment
is that he sees the dawn
before the rest of
the world.”

—Oscar Wilde


The exhibition features dreamers, stargazers and visionaries.

All the works in the exhibition are unique oil paint woodcuts and they have been completed in the last three years. The works are carved on birch plywood and printed on paper by rubbing by hand.

The space of Forum Box inspired and gave the opportunity to test the limits of the scale of wood graphics.


Noora Nio-Juss (b. 1976) is a visual artist from Helsinki. Noora graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki with a Master’s degree in Fine Arts in 2017 and a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the Estonian Academy of Fine Arts in 2000, majoring in Painting.

In recent years, Nio-Juss has been working on large-scale woodcuts. Her wood drawings move between painting and wood graphics. Nio-Juss is looking for new ways of presenting and experiencing wood graphics.


Download here the exhibition catalogue
