13.1. — 6.2.2022

Liinu Grönlund &
Okku Nuutilainen:
observe these words

Observe these words is filmed at the frog research facility at Paignton Zoo, England. The animals, that have been collected from nature, live in their own artificial worlds, as manifestations of the man made order of things. The work examines how humans view animals and how they identify with them, also reflecting on what it means to be human. What kind of monsters do we create in our minds, as we try to understand our future and our place in time?

Filmed at Paignton Zoo, England, in collaboration with Katy Upton.

Cinematographer: Anna Antsalo
Music: Mikko Levosta

Grönlund and Nuutilainen have received support from Kone Foundation

Liinu Grönlund and Okku Nuutilainen work in the fields of visual arts and film, both as a duo and as individual
artists. For the past few years they have been observing scientists and hobbyists who have specialized in looking
after endangered frogs. At the moment they are working on a feature-length documentary, where they follow the
work of humans who safeguard small threatened animal species.