
The 2023 Linnamo award ceremony

The 2023 Linnamo award ceremony


Time: Thursday November 23, 2023 at 6 pm
Place: Gallery Forum Box, Ruoholahdenranta 3 a


A warm welcome to the second Linnamo award ceremony at Gallery Forum Box! The first Linnamo prize was awarded to the artist James Prevetti in 2021, whose exhibition is on view November 3–26, 2023. The prize is given in recognition of open-mindedness shown in artistic work.


Wine will be served at the event. Free entry.


Linnamo Prize


The Linnamo Prize is a Finnish fine art award given every two years, awarded by the Olga and Vilho Linnamo Foundation. It is worth 15,000 euros, and will be distributed for the second time in 2023. The prize is awarded in close cooperation with the cooperative Forum Box: in addition to monetary recognition, it includes the opportunity to hold a solo exhibition in Galleria Forum Box.


With the award, the Olga and Vilho Linnamon Foundation wants to give recognition to the work that enlivens the expressive power of the visual arts, the experimentation that often takes place in the limelight of the art world.


The Linnamo prize is awarded to a Finnish or experienced visual artist or group of artists working permanently in Finland, whose work can be expected to lead to interesting careers in the future as well.


The decision on the prize winner is made by the board of the Olga and Vilho Linnamo Foundation based on the presentation of a three-member prize committee consisting of artists. In the years 2021-2023, the award committee includes the artists Markus Konttinen (b. 1957), Jani Ruscica (b. 1978) and Man Yau (b. 1991).


More about the award on the foundation’s website: https://linnamonsaatio.fi/en/linnamo-prize/