
A Lecture about Painting by Stephen Zepke

Time: Tuesday 27.11 16.00.


After the lecture there will be a panneldiscussion with Stephen Zepke, Riikka Stewen and Sam Basu. Lecture and panneldiscussion held in English.




Stephen Zepke is an independent researcher living in Vienna and the author of  ‘Sublime Art; Towards an Aesthetics of the Future‘, Edinburg University Press, 2017 and Art as Abstract Machine: Ontology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari (Routledge, 2005).


Riikka Stewen, is an art historian and writer living in Helsinki. In her research, she addresses topics such as theories of memory and subjectivity and genealogies of contemporary art. She is also writing on an alternative tradition of aesthetic thought – Deleuze called it a minor tradition – and is currently fascinated by the philosophy of Félix Ravaisson, an almost forgotten predecessor of Henri Bergson, Jacques Derrida, François Laruelle, Catherine Malabou, among others – and Ravaisson’s theory of movement as the basis of a universal solidarity between all that exists.


Sam Basu, is an artist & Co-founder of TREIGNAC PROJET an artist run project in rural France Treignac projet is organised around informal, temporary & long-term groups that produce the parallel programs of exhibitions, based on the subjects and concerns of participants.