
Äänen Lumo & Forum Box:
Marcin Pietruszewski / Joonas Siren

Äänen Lumo & Forum Box: Marcin Pietruszewski / Joonas Siren

Äänen Lumo and Forum Box gallery present two artists working with SuperCollider sound programming language and multichannel sound performances: Berlin-based composer Marcin Pietruszewski and Helsinki-based multidisciplinary artist and experimental electronic musician Joonas Siren (also known as Forces).


Forum Box contemporary art gallery is showing an exhibition Two Million Seconds by Juuso Noronkoski, Tuomo Rainio and Joonas Siren. Both sound performances will be played from the 16-channel sound installation of Siren’s exhibited artwork Kadonnut aika (Lost Time). The evening will start with introduction of the exhibition by the artists.


The event has been supported by Taike and Niilo Helanderin säätiö.




19:00 Introduction to Two Million Seconds by Noronkoski, Rainio & Siren


19:15 Forces presents Hi-hats, Hoovers and Wavetables – a 16-channel sound performance


20:00 Marcin Pietruszewski 16-channel sound performance with nuPg (New Pulsar Generator)


Free of charge!


Marcin photo credit: Kamila Lozinska