8.1. — 31.1.2021

Dave Berg,
Juhani Koivumäki,
Joakim Pusenius,
Paula Saraste:
Fragmentteja tuntemattoman ääreltä

  • Paula Saraste: Weiter zum Wasser / Veden äärelle, 2021. Image: Anna Autio

  • Dave Berg: The Great Beauty of Forgetting, 2021. Image: Anna Autio

  • Joakim Pusenius: Äitipuoli, 2021. Kuva: Anna Autio

  • Juhani Koivumäki: Läsnäolo, 2021. Image: Anna Autio

  • Paula Saraste: Weiter zum Wasser / Veden äärelle, 2021. Image: Anna Autio

  • Dave Berg: The Great Beauty of Forgetting, 2021. Image: Anna Autio

Fragmentteja tuntemattoman ääreltä –exhibition by Dave Berg, Juhani Koivumäki, Joakim Pusenius and Paula Saraste explores the marches of consciousness: other forms of being, the transcendent of meditation, the loneliness of futurism and absurd fear. It is based on the idea of being on the edge of the incomprehensible.

The exhibition features four films and media artwork completed in 2019-2021. The works approach the unknown, the foreign and the impossible from different perspectives. They form a whole that takes the viewer on a dreamlike journey. In the darkened exhibition space, narratives open up to new spaces and times. The works in the exhibition are videos, single and multi-channel installations.

The exhibition is characterized by a very mundane post-sleep state, where there is only a strong, mindless feeling left over from the night. What these images are and where they come from is not so much relevant. More important is how they affect us, where they take us, and how those images remain experiences, part of us. The artists share a strong intuition that it is interesting to delve into the subject of the unknown and the absurd through film and moving image. The works approach moving image free of rules and conventions as a detached encounter between strange and new.

The works are based on the idea of a past pierced by stories, pointing to absurd, ambiguous and contradictory series of events. The epic-historical causes (how this has come about) and the cosmic consequences (what follows from the action) are beyond our stories. After the era of great narratives, there are excerpts, fragments of events larger than man, whose causes and outcomes are unknown and which the space of all possible stories can only hint at. Stories are always too big to comprehend in their entirety. What is left in the end is a human being, limited by their perceptional capacities, facing the overly large world that appears absurd. The aim is to approach moving image unbiased and as a valuable, non-calculative medium in itself.

The exhibition is supported by:

Arts Promotion Centre Finland
The Finnish Cultural Foundation
The Alfred Kordelin Foundation
Kulturfonden för Finland och Norge

In collaboration with:  Pro Av Oy | Videotykkien vuokraus ja asennus sekä toimitukset kaikkialle Suomeen sekä myös ulkomaille.

Berg, Koivumäki, Pusenius and Saraste graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 2008—2016 and work as visual artists in Finland. Their works have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions and screenings in Finland and internationally. As artists, they are united by an interest in experimental moving image in the middle ground between commercial film and visual arts.
