Forum Box
Forum Box is a non-profit artist-run co-operative society, which was initiated in 1996 by sculptor Kain Tapper (1930–2004). Its main purpose is to maintain an art space in Helsinki in order to enrich and support the Finnish cultural life. Currently Forum Box co-op has over 100 artist members, all of which are prominent Finland-based artists and actors in the field of contemporary art.
The exhibitions are selected through Open Call.
Forum Box aims to be a space open for all forms of art. We present contemporary artists, both Finnish and international, established and emerging. We organise each month an art exhibition plus several live arts events – meetings with the artists exhibiting, performance art, concerts, theatre and dance performances.
In order to achieve our goals and maintain our values, in 2020 co-operative’s board has implemented an Equality Plan for Forum Box. Read more.
Members of the Board 2024–2025:
Arto Jurttila (Chairman)
Kaisaleena Halinen
Markus Konttinen
Virpi Näsänen
Eeva Peura
Vesa-Pekka Rannikko
Jani-Matti Salo
Juha-Heikki Tihinen
Deputy Members:
Riikka Anttonen
Taru Happonen
Anna Hyrkkänen
Simo Ripatti
Nora Tapper
Honorary Chairman:
Antti Kantola