
Mirva Mäkinen, The Global Interdisciplinary Improvisation Ensemble, Paul Pignon:
Helsinki Experimental Series

Welcome to a magical evening of improvised artistic performances at Forum Box Gallery!

📅  31st of May
🕖  19:00
📍 Forum Box Gallery (Ruoholahdenranta 3 A Helsinki)
🎟  Free admission

Experience an engaging lineup featuring solo and group performances by our guest artists: Mirva Mäkinen, The Global Interdisciplinary Improvisation Ensemble and Paul Pignon. After presenting these exceptional improvisers we invite you to participate in the ”Blind Dates for Improvisers”: an opportunity for spontaneous collaboration between audience members and our featured artists. Bring your instruments, draw inspiration from Forum Box’s artworks, and perform alongside our guests!


18:30 Doors open
19:00 Guest Artists Performances
20:00 Stage open for ”Blind dates for improvises”: A first-time encounter among members of the audience and our guest artists

This event marks the second performance of the HELSINKI EXPERIMENTAL SERIES 2024, a Community Engagement/Action Research/Artistic Research project, that intends to establish an interaction space for members of the different communities of improvisers based or working in Helsinki.

The HES 2024 series is developed and funded in collaboration with: Forum Box Gallery, The Global Music Department of the Sibelius Academy, Interkult (Kassandra ry) and KONE Foundation.

The research, curatorial and artistic direction component of this project is run by Sergio Castrillón.